Brent A. Felix, MD - Blog
Can pain get worse after a medial branch block?
It is not common for pain to get worse after a medial branch block (MBB). However, this could happen if there are complications during the procedure that result in nerve damage.
Surgical Stabilization Beneficial for Odontoid Fractures
For patients with odontoid fractures, surgical stabilization is associated with a reduced rate of nonunion and mortality at 30 days and one year, according to a study published online June 12 in Neurosurgery.
Can ankylosing spondylitis cause fatigue?
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis (AS), along with pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. However, not everyone with AS experiences fatigue.
What to Do When Your Back Pain Won’t Go Away
When back pain doesn’t go away on its own, it can be a sign of reinjury or an underlying condition, like a herniated disk. But seemingly minor things, like your posture, can also play a role.
The 5 Best Exercises for Lower Back Pain, According to a Personal Trainer
Low back pain may be helped with certain exercises, specifically those that strengthen the muscles in your core and glutes and stretch your hip flexors.
Spinal cord injury can lead to dangerously low blood pressure, but new implant might fix that
Dangerously low blood pressure is considered an "invisible" consequence of paralysis, adding to the woes of as many as 9 out of 10 people with spinal cord injuries. Now, a new implant has been developed that treats the problem by delivering electrical stimulation to a select group of spinal neurons.
The best and worst sitting positions for lower back pain
Keeping hips and knees at a 90-degree angle and using back support may help alleviate lower back pain. It is best to avoid slumped positions and sitting cross-legged for long periods.
Adolescents who use smartphones for more than three hours a day found to suffer more from back pain
Thanks to the popularization of smartphones and tablets, and the multiplication of video channels, computer games and educational apps, children and adolescents are spending more and more time looking at screens, usually with bad posture, which can cause back pain, among other problems.
Why is the pain worse after an epidural steroid injection?
The reasons for an increase in pain are not well documented. The epidural space, where the doctor injects the steroid, is small. The introduction of steroid fluid into this space, where nerves are already inflamed, may temporarily increase pressure, irritating spinal nerves.
Pain in the back: Preventing and treating spinal arthritis
The spine is susceptible to osteoarthritis because of the motion between the vertebrae. It's most common in the lower back, or lumbar spine, because these joints carry most of the body weight.